Pike's Peak Mended Hearts of Colorado

"It's Great to be alive...and to help others"!  

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Take the Pledge!

 My Pledge of Allegiance to My heart

I pledge allegiance to my heart, created by God, to excercise it faithfully, both physically and spiritually. To make it strong-- and to keep it gentle and kind. To pattern a life to give example to all people! And to be Dedicated to Inspiring Hope in Heart Disease Patients and their Families!

Welcome To 

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 Pike's Peak Mended Hearts.

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be.  It's the
 way it is.  The way  you cope with it is what makes
 the difference."

Our Mended Hearts Prayer

We ask for your blessings, Lord.

We ask for strength that we may pass it on to others..

We ask for faith that we may give hope to others........

We ask for health that we may encourage others........

We ask, Lord, for wisdom that we may use all your gifts well.


As we establish our chapter in Colorado Springs we will be using this as an eductional and information site for current and future members. We invite all of you to become members of the Pike's Peak Mended Hearts---- Chapter in Development.

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